
Our Incomes

Bullbucks Traders offer FIVE types of incomes
  • ROI INCOME: ROI income / Returns on investment will be paid up to 2.25% as per the package chosen by the customer
  • Referral Income: Referral income will be paid up to 8%. it's a reward or initiative designed by BullbucksTraders to incentivize existing customers.
  • Binary Income: Binary income will be paid up to 9% it is also a reward or initiative designed by BullbucksTraders to incentivize customers for their team
  • Leadership Income: Leadership income will be paid up to 5% it's an extra reward or initiative designed by BullbucksTraders to incentivize their efforts to bring new enthusiastic customers/leaders under their leadership.
  • Trade Income: Trade income will be paid up to 7% it's an extra reward or initiative designed by BullbucksTraders to incentivize the customers.

REFERRAL INCOME: Refer your business to your friends, family members or anyone. Grow your network and enjoy a handsome amount of commission against each referral.


Under this JOIN, REFER and EARN programme you can:

  • Earn an additional incentive of up to 8% depending upon the investment package your referral chooses to begin with.
  • Get direct credit in your IB wallet for each referral.
  • Withdraw your IB Earnings every Saturday.

BINARY INCOME: To incentivize our customers for their team, we provide 9% binary income for affiliates.

How it works actually?

A binary income of 9% is based on the 1:1 ratio.

Example: Let you are A. B and C are the referrals on your left and right side respectively. In other words, B and C have joined you by using your referral link.

Suppose B activated his account and invested $1000. Similarly, C activated his account with $1400. In this case, the weaker side is B (left referral link). So you will get 9% of $1000 i.e $90 will be credited to your IB wallet.

The leftover Binary will be carried forward for the next business day or whenever the binary is applicable again. The users will keep on joining you on both sides through the left and right referral links. Accordingly, you will receive referral income from both sides.

  • Binary income is valid for unlimited levels.
  • Binary income is generated daily at 10 am as per the UTC time zone.
  • Binary income is directly credited to your IB wallet.
  • Two active accounts or referral links, one each on your left and right side.

LEADERSHIP INCOME: Incentivize yourself with an extra reward of up to 5% for introducing new enthusiastic customers/leaders under your leadership.

How Does It Work?

Leadership bonus is calculated by your first 5 direct referrals in both the left and right sides total IB income

For example

level Commissions
1 level 5%
2 level 4%
3 level 3%
4 level 2%
5 level 1%

The first two direct referrals on the left and right side are 1st level, let say you are A. B and C are your direct referrals on the left and right side respectively. If B earns an IB income of $1000 and C earns an IB income of $2000, A will be rewarded with 5% for both B and C's IB income.

So, A will earn 5% i,e $50 for B's $1000 IB income and $100 for C's $2000 IB income in the first level as leadership income. The same will be applied for the next 4 levels as per the percentages.

  • only the first 5 left and first 5 direct referrals from the right side will be considered for leadership income
  • Leadership income will be added 50% to IB wallet and 50% to Trade wallet.
  • Indirect referrals will not be considered for calculating leadership income.

TRADE INCOME: Bullbucks Traders allow its customers to earn an extra reward of up to 7% as a trade income. We provide an option to transfer your earnings from cash wallet and IB wallet to trade wallet and earn commissions by achieving targets as given below:

  • Trade Income will be generated on the 1st day of every month.
  • Earnings will start generating once a minimum target of $500 is achieved. Further, the commissions will keep on rising with the level of targets achieved.
  • Profits earned from trade income will be added 50% to IB wallet and 50% to Trade wallet.
Wallet system

Members will see three wallets on their dashboard.

Cash Wallet

  • All your daily ROI earnings will be credited to the cash wallet.
  • You can withdraw your earnings on the 5th and 20th of every month.
  • You can transfer your earnings from cash wallet to trade wallet at 0% transfer fees.
  • Only 7% withdrawal fees will be deducted as admin charges, Minimum withdrawal $20.

IB Wallet

  • All your introducing broker incomes i.e. bonus earnings like referral, binary, leadership, and trade incomes will be credited to your IB wallet.
  • You can withdraw your bonus earnings every Saturday of the week.
  • No transfer fees for transferring your earnings from IB wallet to trade wallet.
  • Only 10% withdrawal charges will be deducted as admin charges, Minimum withdrawal $20.

Trade Wallet

  • Transfer all your earnings (cash wallet earnings and IB wallet earnings) to other trade wallets or to your own trade wallet and earn commissions.
  • You can use these commissions to activate your down-line's accounts or to make reinvestment in your own accounts.
  • The main purpose of this wallet is to escape you from any kind of withdrawal charges and let you enjoy the full profits from your earnings.
  • Funds once transferred cannot be withdrawn from trade wallet.
  • Transactions made to trade wallet cannot be reverted.